With your divorce a certain decision, you are now facing the task of rebuilding your life as an independent person. Depending on the length of your marriage in Illinois, this task could be particularly challenging, especially if you have been married for a long time. Most likely, you will be required to sustain yourself and your personal needs all while trying to reconfigure your life. Often, this may affect your living situation, your relationship with your children and other family members and even your long-term financial plans.
One of the important aspects that you may encounter is alimony. Whether or not you or your spouse will be required to pay alimony is decided after considerable thought is taken in determining you and your spouse’s living situation and financial health when your divorce occurred. According to Live About, some of the factors that may affect your situation include the following:
- Whether or not you and your former spouse have previously signed a prenuptial agreement that discussed how alimony would be worked out in a divorce.
- Whether or not you or your former spouse supported one another through the process of schooling and getting a degree.
- Whether or not you or your former spouse have had children together requiring one of you to stay home and be a full-time parent.
- Whether or not you or your former spouse have accrued significant debt throughout the course of your marriage.
The information in this article is intended for educational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice.