If you are getting divorced, you may wonder if you can get alimony. Spousal support, as it may be referred to, is allocated in Illinois at the discretion of the court. However, the awarding of payments will be based upon a variety of factors. The goal is to keep the judgement fair for you and your spouse.
According to Family Education, a court looks into some very specific factors to decide the amount of alimony to award. These factors are also used to determine if support will even be ordered at all. Generally, the court will begin by looking at your marriage. It will want to see how long you have been married. In most cases, it will increase your chances of being awarded alimony if you have been married for a long time.
The court will then move onto other related factors, like who your children will live with and whether you both work or if one of you has stayed home. Also, considered will be your ages and the likelihood of you finding employment if you have not been working. Your health and your incomes will also play a role. All of these things will help paint a picture for the court of your standard of living, which is the condition in which you have been used to living.
The allocation of alimony is done in a fair manner to ensure neither party is unjustly hurt by the judgment. While this information should not be taken as legal advice, it can help you understand the process and what to expect.