If you and your spouse have chosen to pursue a divorce in Illinois, you may have begun to face the uncertainty of parenting the children you have had together. Often, primary custody is awarded to one parent with required visitations requested from the other parent. Your judge will most likely award custody based on factors including the health, financial stability, location and emotional state of you and your spouse. At Essig Law Office, we are familiar with the complications that often accompany divorce proceedings.
According to the Huffington Post, just because you are not the custodial parent does not mean you are unable to be an effective parent. Fortunately, by taking some proactive steps, you can still play a valuable role in your child’s life despite being the non-custodial parent. Some of the things you can do include the following:
- Be supportive: While you and your ex undoubtedly have your differences, do your best to be supportive of him or her. Your resolve to remain courteous, respectful and agreeable can make a much less stressful situation for your children and even create an atmosphere of excitement when it is time for them to visit.
- Prioritize quality time: A common mistake is to assume that your children will only remember the times when you are doing something expensive, adventurous or unique. While these types of activities can be a lot of fun, you can also create memories by simply having a sincere conversation, trying a new recipe or going for a walk.
- Set ground rules: As soon as your children arrive for their initial visit, have a pleasant conversation where you define the rules you expect them to follow. Each time they come for a visit, politely remind them of the behaviors you expect.
By doing the things suggested above, you can maintain your role as an effective parent despite the fact that your children do not spend as much time with you as your ex. For more information about divorce, visit our web page.